Empowering Families Affected By Autism.

Respite Services

Take a Break: Explore our short-term respite services for caregivers.

Enriching Activities

Discover & Learn: Explore our diverse activities tailored for autistic individuals.

Support For All

Quality services are available to all, regardless of their financial standing. 

Day Centre Respite Services

We deeply understand the relentless commitment and overwhelming challenges faced by parents and carers of autistic children and adults.

AutAid has been established to provide a sanctuary of rest and rejuvenation for caregivers and their loved ones.

As our centres are established, our dedicated volunteers and skilled staff will ensure that your family members are in a safe, nurturing, and understanding environment, whilst the caregivers can enjoy some well-earned respite and avail of our ever-expanding community.

All our centres will be open from 9 Am to 7 Pm, seven days a week, 365 days a year. With our first centres opening Autumn-Winter 2024

Our Mission

At the heart of AutAid lies the understanding that caring for an autistic individual is not just physically demanding but emotionally exhaustive.

We aim to support this challenging journey by offering inviting drop-in centres, where we will provide autistic children and adults with a space to learn, explore, and interact whilst offering their families and carers some well-deserved respite.

Our Team

Our team is growing daily and is still very much in its infancy. We will have a harmonious blend of volunteers and professional staff adeptly trained to understand the intricacies and needs of every individual. Passion and commitment from all involved are the backbone of AutAid’s ethos. But we urgently need more help in all areas, from the board to every other area of a busy not-for-profit. If you think you could help in any capacity, please get in touch. 

Short-Term Respite

It’s crucial to remember that your well-being is paramount as a carer. To ensure this, we will provide up to six hours of expert care at a time. This ensures that your loved one isn’t just supervised but actively engaged and catered to in a stimulating environment.

Activities & Facilities

From sensory rooms to therapeutic art workshops, our centres will be equipped with a wide range of activities designed specifically to foster personal growth, ignite creativity, and ensure joy for all our participants.

Means-Tested Support

We ardently believe that quality care should be accessible to all. Hence, our means-tested service ensures that every family, regardless of their financial standing, can benefit from the offerings of AutAid.

Understanding the Challenge

The journey of caring for autistic individuals is one of unparalleled love but is often accompanied by fatigue, stress, and emotional drain. At AutAid, we recognise this profound challenge.

We know that every mealtime, every public outing, and every social interaction can be a monumental task. That’s why we’re here: we will provide a haven, a brief escape, a few hours to decompress and to remind you that you’re not alone in this journey.

AutAid Timeline

AutAid Timeline


AutAid is currently in the process of launching its services across Ireland, with plans to establish day-centre respite services in four locations by the end of 2024.


AutAid is currently in the process of launching its services across Ireland, with plans to establish day-centre respite services in four locations by the end of 2024. Exact locations still to be finalised.  


In 2025, we aim to inaugurate twelve additional centres throughout the country. Realising this vision will require monumental effort, including diverse fundraising strategies and government support.


In 2025, we aim to inaugurate twelve additional centres throughout the nation. Realising this vision will require monumental effort, including diverse fundraising strategies and government support.


By 2026, our goal is to ensure every county has at least one AutAid centre, and then we will begin to develop residential short-term respite services for children and adults with autism.


By 2026, our goal is to ensure every county has at least one AutAid centre, and then we will begin to develop residential short-term respite services for children and adults with autism.


With our unwavering drive and commitment.

we are confident in making this vision a reality. AutAid is poised to make a significant difference in the lives of many, one community at a time.

AutAid Timeline


AutAid is currently in the process of launching its services across Ireland, with plans to establish day-centre respite services in four locations by the end of 2024.


In 2025, we aim to inaugurate twelve additional centres throughout the nation. Realising this vision will require monumental effort, including diverse fundraising strategies and government support.


By 2026, our goal is to ensure every county has at least one AutAid centre, and then we will begin to develop residential short-term respite services for children and adults with autism.


By 2026, our goal is to ensure every county has at least one AutAid centre, and then we will begin to develop residential short-term respite services for children and adults with autism.

AutAid Facilities Rollout

 What we aim to achieve with AutAid is undeniably a monumental task; however, our objective is to support monumental individuals. With a dedicated team alongside our steadfast focus, we are confident in achieving our ambitious but crucial goals. Our aim is simple: to provide respite services for the carers and parents of autistic children and adults throughout the island of Ireland, starting with day centre drop-in and ultimately to residential facilities. Our initial rollout involves establishing Day Centre Short-Term Respite Services.

We plan to inaugurate our first four-day centres from winter 2024 to spring 2025. The exact locations have yet to be confirmed, but we want to cover as much of the country as possible. The locations will be announced shortly as exat funding statagies finding responses become clearer.

From Spring 2025 to Spring 2026, we will extend our reach by opening centres in the largest towns across the remaining 26 counties, focusing particularly on areas with higher demand, including and especially around the capital city.

The following year, from Spring 2026 to Spring 2027, will see the implementation and setup of three Residential Respite Centres. The specific locations for these centres are still being finalised and will be shared once confirmed.

To achieve these goals, we urgently need your help.  AutAid will be funded by a mix of private donations, coprporate donations and some state assiatance, together with a myriad of ongoing fundraising activities. To make this vision a reality we urgently require donations, people to organise fundraisers in their region, and volunteers across all areas, encompassing a variety of skill sets such as healthcare, administration, and community outreach.  In addition, we will shortly be advertising for an increasing number of full-employment roles. Everyone has the potential to contribute to AutAid. Discover how you can assist by clicking here. If everyone does just a little we will generate a lot.  Together, we will make the difference.


What is AutAid's Mission?

At the heart of AutAid lies the understanding that caring for an autistic individual is not just physically demanding but emotionally exhaustive. We aim to support this challenging journey by offering inviting drop-in centres, where we will provide autistic children and adults with a space to learn, explore, and interact whilst offering their families and carers some well-deserved respite.

Who Can Participate In AutAid's Programme?

AutAid facilities are typically designed for autistic children and adults. However, we welcome anyone with special needs tat require the type of assistance AutAid can offer. We tailor our activities to meet each individual’s unique needs and interests. While these activities are taking place, carers can get some well-deserved respite. 

How Can I Apply For Means-Tested Support?

To apply for means-tested support, please contact our team through the provided channels. We will guide you through the assessment and support process.

How Can I Get Involved With AutAid As A Volunteer?

We welcome volunteers who share our mission. Visit the “Get Involved” section on our website to learn more about volunteer opportunities and how to apply.

Is AutAid Not For Profit, And How Much Does It Cost?

AutAid is a registered not-for-profit company with registration number 765744 we will likely apply for charity status after approximately 12-18 months of operation. We are dedicated to serving the autism community with day centre respite services and ultimately providing long-term residential respite services.  While we feel our service should be available to everyone regardless of their financial standing, we also believe that people who can pay for our heavily subsidised service should do. This makes the service a better long-term prospect, more viable in the short term and generally a better business model. 

What Types Of Activities Are Offered At AutAid?

AutAid offers a variety of activities, including art, music, sensory play, social skills building, and outdoor play, tailored to meet the diverse needs of our participants.

Contact Us

Leave us a message and we’ll get back to you usually within 24 hours.

Contact Us

t. 1800 107 107 /085 1099 280
Contact Page

© 2024 All rights reserved.  AutAid is A registered not for profit company limited by guarantee with the registration number 765744.

Our Primary Purpose

At AutAid, we deeply understand the relentless commitment and overwhelming challenges faced by parents and carers of autistic children and adults. Our primary goal is to provide a sanctuary of rest and rejuvenation for caregivers and their loved ones. We anticipate opening our first four centres before the end of 2024, with many more following soon after. Please contact us to stay updated with our progress, or sign up to our newsletter using the form below. Thank You, The AutAid Team.